06 September 2021
Integrated Report 2021 Published
I am pleased to inform you that Sumitomo Electric has recently published its Integrated Report 2021.
With a view to becoming a “Glorious Excellent Company,” the Sumitomo Electric Group has endeavored to create value over the medium to long term through its business activities. Placing this value creation process as its cornerstone, the publication of the Integrated Report 2021 aims to encourage our diverse stakeholders, including customers, business partners, employees, local communities, shareholders and investors, to even better understand us.
Under the Sumitomo Spirit and the Sumitomo Electric Group Corporate Philosophy, we unwaveringly uphold the basic policy of contributing to society through fair business activities. Based on this policy, since our founding, we have practiced the management philosophy of making business gains in harmony with public interest and have been committed to creating economic value and social value in an integrated manner. We believe that the foundation of our development and growth stems from this diligence. In light of this, this basic policy can be said to embrace the concepts of SDGs, ESG and sustainability.
The Integrated Report 2021 describes our Group’s stance toward promoting management that improves sustainability by such means as enhancing initiatives designed to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, thereby aiming to solve global warming, climate change and other global environmental issues, and toward focusing on promoting digital transformation (DX) in line with the digitization of society and the economy.
In our current mid-term management plan VISION 2022, we presented a picture of a society in which all people and things will be connected through infocommunications, electric power, transportation and other types of networks to optimize society as a whole, in other words, becoming a “smart society” around 2030. We will continue to support industry and people's lives by providing value that is environmentally friendly, safe, secure, comfortable and leads to the realization of a growing society, capitalizing on the current changes of the times.
I hope that you will be able to take this opportunity to read our Integrated Report 2021. We count on your continued support.

Integrated Report 2021
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