03 August 2020
Establishment of Diversity & Inclusion Department
Within the Sumitomo Electric Group, more than 280,000 employees currently play an active role in approx. 40 countries around the world. To beat the global competition and grow further, we need to make full use of all our resources including our technologies, products and business models. Sumitomo Electric believes that it is of utmost importance that we attract the top talent who effectively utilize these resources and provide employees with opportunities to showcase their ability.
Sumitomo Electric Group companies in Japan have implemented a variety of measures to maximize the potential of diverse human resources and create comfortable workplace environments for our employees, such as the establishment of a system supporting employees who work while being engaged in childrearing, nursing care or other life events, improvement of employees' working styles, introduction and expansion of telecommuting, support for employees coming from foreign countries, and increase in employment of people with disabilities. To further accelerate and increase diversity and inclusion* efforts, we separated a section of the Human Resources Div. on June 25 and established the Diversity & Inclusion Department as a division directly managed by the president.
To introduce a wider variety of ideas and values to management, we must continuously promote diverse human resources, including women and employees from other countries, as corporate officers or executives, and the candidates need to acquire experience of weathering storms and yielding favorable results through various operations. Accordingly, Sumitomo Electric will strengthen its efforts, such as supporting the nurture and appointment of a variety of human resources; designing a system to enable employees with some constraints due to life events to grow and be active in their day-to-day operations; and establishing a system to further advance and support each employee using various networks for these efforts.

*What is diversity and inclusion?
Diversity means the range of human differences; and inclusion refers to a cultural and environmental feeling of belonging.
Sumitomo Electric regards diversity and inclusion as a process by which the Company accepts a range of values, offers different personnel a strategic direction toward our goals, unifies those values, and converts the differences into our strengths. We pursue the policy as a management strategy to survive in the competitive global market.
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