R&D Planning & Administration Division / Innovation Core SEI, Inc. (ICS)
R&D Planning & Administration Division
Aiming to carry out our mid-term management plan (22 VISION) that sets forth the managerial direction of our company, we administer projects based on the achievements of our R&D unit.
For the growth of our technology and businesses, we support the launch of new research initiatives and commercialization of the fruit of our developments. We also promote collaboration within our group, joint research with universities and research institutions, participation in national projects, and cooperation with other companies. Regarding the US and Europe, we have set up local bases, we gather the latest information, and encourage entry to development projects.
Furthermore, we hold training workshops to nurture future leaders and networking between them.

Innovation Core SEI, Inc. (ICS)
Automotive, Environment & Energy, Infocommunications
Innovation Core SEI, Inc. (ICS) was established in Silicon Valley in the U.S. as our first overseas R&D base. By using cutting edge information concentrated in the area, ICS is working on research for next generation technologies and markets in the automotive, environment & energy, and infocommunications fields, as well as on new business development in integrated fields.
Besides conducting R&D projects with our domestic laboratories and R&D centers, ICS is also focusing on open innovation for R&D globalization and promoting global internship programs.
Innovation Core SEI, Inc. (ICS)
2355 Zanker Road, San Jose, CA 95131, U.S.A
TEL: +1-408-232-9511