Electrical Components

Various Wire Harnesses
In addition to automotive products, the SWS Group also offers wiring harnesses for two-wheeled vehicles, equipment, agricultural machinery, etc.

Products for HVs and EVs
Contributing to Environmental Preservation through Development of Products Supporting Increased Use of Electric Vehicles

Electronic Products
We have developed a wide variety of electronic parts to control vehicles electronically. We continually strive to create smaller, lighter parts.

Wiring Harnesses for Automobiles
Wiring Harnesses Compatible with Variety of Vehicles Sumitomo Wiring Systems automotive wiring harnesses are used throughout the world.

Components for Wiring Harnesses
Harness components used in connecting wires are available in a number of variations to deal with high temperatures, vibration, waterproofing, noise, and other severe conditions.

Cable with connector for EV DC charger / discharger
CHAdeMO chargers provides a wide range of charging connectors deployed worldwide. We provide user friendly solution from Vehicle-to-Home or High Power Charging for public Stations.