Global Executive Program
Global Executive Program
We will promote the involvement of SEG Global Executives and other international employees in the business management
We have adopted the Global Grade System, which is a human resource development system that allows talented and qualified persons to seek career development beyond the borders of individual companies to engage in the management of Group companies in Japan and overseas or perform even higher duties. We give board members and equivalents from overseas subsidiaries, except for those of listed companies, the global leader (GL) grade, and recognize them as SEG Global Executives. At present 43 persons, most of whom are executives of overseas Group companies, are recognized as the SEG Global Executives. They are provided with a wide range of career opportunities to help them play more active roles as global leaders.
Area Committee
We introduced the Area Committee system in 2015 to allow SEG Global Executives to participate in business management beyond the borders of individual companies.
The system aims to 1) enhance the presence of each business/base in consideration of the regional characteristics, 2) make use of the knowledge and experience of SEG Global Executives, and 3) establish a network of the SEG Global Executives. We have set up four committees of Americas, Europe, Southeast Asia/Australia and Greater China, which are committed to a wide variety of subjects, such as human resource development and strengthening of manufacturing abilities in the respective regions. We also use the Regional Executive Conference to incorporate the proposals presented by the Area Committees into the management of the Sumitomo Electric Group. In this conference, which is held in the four regions of Americas, EMEA, Southeast Asia/Australia and Greater China, top executives of Sumitomo Electric and its overseas affiliates gather every year to discuss global management issues. We will continue to make the conference more active to further promote diversity management in the Sumitomo Electric Group and coordination between affiliates.