Message from General Manager of R&D Unit
Driven by a fervent aspiration to transform society, each Sumitomo Electric researcher is deeply committed to R&D, focusing on innovative solutions to social challenges.
R&D Vision
Our commitment to technological innovation, driven by a desire to address social challenges, propels us beyond our current business realms. We are building the future with our advanced "Connect and Support" technologies. Discover our future vision in our R&D Vision movie.

The SUMITOMO ELECTRIC TECHNICAL REVIEW is a journal of technical papers explaining the Sumitomo Electric Group’s technologies.


Meet the Authors
Researchers and engineers share their thoughts toward technological innovations and solving social issues.
Innovative technologies for revolutionary social changes
The Sumitomo Electric Group operates a variety of different research and development laboratories in Japan and around the globe, each excelling in their specific field of expertise - envisioning and accelerating the future of society.
R&D Laboratories

Information Network R&D Center
Develops optical and wireless communication technologies for high-speed low-latency and high-reliability networks, as well as millimeter-wave radars for infrastructures leveraging our wireless technology, traffic signal control systems using probe vehicle data, and vehicle routing and scheduling systems for MaaS .

IoT R&D Center
In collaboration with manufacturing sites within Sumitomo Electric Groups, we promote manufacturing improvements using IoT(Internet of Things)/AI technologies such as various sensing methods, wireless communication and AI data analysis to deal with major production challenges: productivity improvement, automated inspection, predictive maintenance, and safety improvement.

Analysis Technology Research Center
We support the manufacturing and development of our group's products through the advanced technologies of analysis and CAE (Computer Aided Engineering). We have main bases in our Osaka, Itami and Yokohama works, as well as external facilities such as the Kyushu Synchrotron Light Research Center and K computer.

Advanced Materials Laboratory
Creates unique metallic and inorganic materials and achieves process innovation using ultra-high pressure, powder metallurgy, and our other technologies.

Energy and Electronics Materials Laboratory
We contributes to the development of products and technologies in the Group's extensive business fields by leveraging our core technologies for metal, inorganic, and polymer materials as well as electrochemistry.

Optical Communications Laboratory
Develops optical fiber-related technologies and highly functional products that are used in optical communication networks and data centers. The lab contributes to the development of a smart society through the applications of these technologies to the consumer and industry fields.

Transmission Devices Laboratory
Develops advanced compound semiconductor materials and products for the two main markets in information and communication field (optics and wireless) through vertical integration of the Group’s technologies of compound semiconductor crystals, epitaxial growth and processing, optoelectronic micro-assembly with high precision, and optical transceiver design.
Power Device Development Division
Develops silicon carbide (SiC) substrates, epitaxial wafers and devices for business expansion. SiC is a promising material for next-generation power devices.

Cyber-security R&D Office
Develops cyberattack countermeasures for network-connected equipment at our businesses and, in cooperation with the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), researches advanced cyber-security technologies.

Frontier Technologies Laboratory
Looking ahead to the impacts of the world’s technological and social changes to our business, the lab conducts research and development on next-generation electric wires and energy technologies with ongoing national projects.

R&D Planning & Administration Division / Innovation Core SEI, Inc. (ICS)
Administrates plans and achievements of the R&D unit, and promotes initiatives to develop new technologies and expand business domains aiming to implement our mid-term management plan, VISION 2022.

AutoNetworks Technologies, Ltd.
Develops automobile wire harness and harness-related device technologies. Conducts research and development on the next-generation technologies and new services that respond to new trends in the automobile industry, such as electrification and connectivity.