Strategy & Governance

Glorious Excellent Company
The Sumitomo Electric Group is working to develop into a corporate group with a solid corporate philosophy and sustainable growth potential, with the aim of becoming a "Glorious Excellent Company."

Long-term vision "Sumitomo Electric Group 2030 VISION"
We have prepared "Sumitomo Electric Group 2030 Vision," which is a long-term vision targeting 2030.
The Sumitomo Electric Group will strive to enhance our corporate value with stakeholders’ support to be “Glorious Excellent Company.”

Mid-term Management Plan 2025
Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. has prepared the “Mid-term Management Plan 2025”, a three-year action plan for FY2023-FY2025 in line with our long-term vision “Sumitomo Electric Group 2030 Vision”. Under the plan, which carries the slogan "Creating a Green Society through our Connecting and Supporting Technologies”, the Sumitomo Electric Group (SEG) will work on growth strategies and strengthening our business foundations with the integrated capabilities of the Group. By determinedly seizing business opportunities towards the “Advancement of a Decarbonized Society” and “Evolution of the Information Society”, SEG will appropriately distribute the results of this growth to our multistakeholder partnerships.

Corporate Governance
Under our corporate philosophy of the Sumitomo Spirit and the Sumitomo Electric Group Corporate Principles, our group maintains its everlasting basic policy of contributing to society through our fair business practices.