In recent years, we have seen many social issues, including worsening global warming, depletion of resources, increasingly frequent and severe disasters, and disrepair and aging of social infrastructure. With this in mind, we have established VISION 2025, our mid-term management plan, based on the society we envisioned around 2030. The plan sets out the value we aim to provide—environmental friendliness, safety and security, social comfort and vitality—in the energy, info-communications and mobility fields that are our main focus. The Sumitomo Spirit is about mutual prosperity and respect for the public good.

The Sumitomo Electric Group has always responded strongly and flexibly to each change that has taken place in society, and has continued to achieve steady growth. We will continue striving to reach our ideal future state, a "Glorious Excellent Company," † drawing on the strengths we have built since we were first established—connectivity and transmission technologies, our manufacturing excellence and our employees who embody the Sumitomo Spirit. We will mobilize the entire the Sumitomo Electric Group to carry out initiatives to solve the variety of social issues the world is facing and improve our value as a company.
Masayoshi Matsumoto, Chairman & CEO
Osamu Inoue, President & COO
Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.
† The SEI Group's vision for the future. "Glorious" represents our qualitative aims, which we will achieve by holding firm to the Sumitomo Spirit and the Sumitomo Electric Group Corporate Principles in everything we do, while "Excellent" represents our quantitative aims, which we will achieve by consistently meeting the targets we have set out in mid-term management plans such as VISION 2025.

Fundamental Policy for Sustainability Management

Integrated Report
The Company is pleased to announce that it has issued its Integrated Report 2022. This report explains to stakeholders the Sumitomo Electric Group's efforts to develop a value proposition for society and expand its corporate value on a sustainable basis.

This website introduces the Sumitomo Electric Group CSR basic policy and presents the history and outline of our CSR activities. Annual results (numerical data) are published in the CSR Reports for the respective fiscal years.