Cyber-security R&D Office
We are developing cyberattack countermeasures for network-connected equipment in our five business segments, that is, infocommunications, automotive, environment and energy, electronics, and industrial materials. We are also engaged in research on advanced cybersecurity in cooperation with the SEI-AIST Cyber Security Collaborative Research Laboratory established jointly by Sumitomo Electric and the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST).

Automotive Security
Cyberattack detection, prevention, and cryptographic technology for vehicle.
We are conducting R&D in automotive cybersecurity, which is required in conjunction with the appearance of autonomous driving and connected vehicles.
The focus of our R&D is on unknown cyberattack detection for automotive networks employing analysis technology and machine learning, as well as on the application of the latest cryptographic technology to in-vehicle equipment and communications.

* ECU: Electronic Control Unit
* TCU: Telematics Communication Unit
Cyber-Physical Security
Hardware and software security technology for IoT devices
IoT development has brought about an expanding interaction between physical space and cyberspace, and new threats, such as cyber-physical attacks and physical-cyberattacks, are emerging. New security measures are needed.
Our efforts are directed toward developing countermeasure technologies from both a hardware and software perspective.