Skills Matrix of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members
The Company is a technology-development-type manufacturer that conducts its business globally by taking advantage of advanced technologies for customers in the various areas of environment and energy, infocommunications, automotive, electronics, and industrial materials, based on the production technology of electric wires, and in order to fulfill the functions of the Board of Directors as a whole and to achieve the 2030 VISION and Mid-term Management Plan 2025, the Company posts personnel who are familiar with important fields in the decision-making process of corporate strategies, personnel with abundant knowledge and experience in specialized fields which are taken seriously by the Company as a manufacturer, personnel with abundant experience in corporate management and abundant international sensibility, personnel with knowledge of law and industrial economic policies, etc., and personnel with independence contributing to enhancement of corporate value in a bird’s-eye-view position, in a well balanced manner.
Based on this view, and with the Nominating Advisory Committee having discussed the matter, the Company describes the necessary requirements for directors who are responsible for management of the Company in the matrix and describes the fields in which each individual has particular expertise or areas of responsibility in the company.