11 November 2022
Americas Top Executive Conference
From October 9 to 11, I went on a business trip to Houston, Texas, in the U.S. The main purpose was to attend the Americas Top Executive Conference, bringing together the heads of our Group companies in North America and South America and global executives. Affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference had been canceled since 2019, even though it used to be organized as an annual event. This year, however, the meeting was held face-to-face for the first time in three years.
In the afternoon of October 9, when I arrived in Texas, I visited the Dayton Plant of Sumiden Wire Products Corporation. Completed in 2017, this relatively new plant manufactures prestressing steel wire. I look forward to seeing the plant’s further development in the future.
At the conference on October 10, I listened to reports on the situation of each local Group company and the committee activities carried out across company boundaries under the lead of the global executives.

In 2011, initiatives across the boundaries of Group companies were launched based on the manufacturing committee activities in the Americas. While referring to the initiatives, each of our operating areas also began committee activities in Europe, Asia, and China, with each area autonomously sharing their own challenges and efforts. This background made me even more delighted to be able to attend the conference at a physical venue for the first time in years and listen to the reports while directly seeing the reporters’ lively faces.
Some reports indicated that cross-regional activities with Group companies in Europe have also begun. I have high expectations that these activities will further develop globally.

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