27 September 2024
Town Meeting with Young Managers
On September 3rd, we held a town meeting with seven young managers. These meetings are a forum for direct dialogue between employees and executives, and are held every year at company locations throughout Japan for employees in different ranks and job types. On this particular occasion, it was our first time to have a town meeting specifically for young leaders in our organization. This was fitting due to the increase we’ve seen in recent years of younger employees being promoted to management roles. I went to the meeting very much looking forward to hearing directly from the participants about what they feel every day as they manage their respective groups.

On the day, the young managers shared their thoughts on human resource development, team communication, and various other topics. This variety reflected the fact that the participants work in groups that differ in mission, staff size, team structure, and work backgrounds. My impression was that the young managers do not use a uniform method in their daily work, but rather they carefully communicate with their subordinates from a position of having a firm grasp of their own group’s particular characteristics and specific work challenges. I think these young leaders’ skills as managers come not only from the technical training in management they have received, but also from having inherited our company’s corporate culture. As evidence for this, I heard many positive comments about how the participants themselves seem to be managed: “I can speak with my supervisor frequently and in detail,” “My boss listens to me sympathetically,” and “I value my business unit’s way of thinking, which I learned from my superior.”
I hope that the participants of this town meeting, as well as all the young employees who will be responsible for Sumitomo Electric's future, will absorb the good qualities of their seniors and pass these on to their juniors, and thereby continue to impart the corporate culture of Sumitomo Electric.
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