04 January 2024
New Year Receptions
To start the year, I attended new year receptions in Osaka on January 4th, Tokyo on the 5th, and Nagoya on the 9th. We welcomed approximately 270 people at these events, and everyone’s participation was truly appreciated. At each gathering I made a few remarks, which I’d like to share with you in this post.

If we go by the traditional Chinese calendar, this is the year of Kinoe Tatsu (the wood dragon). The phrase “kinoe tatsu” is composed of two characters: the first is a pictograph of a budding plant, which we could take to mean that the new breaks through the shell of the old; and the second character (dragon) has been interpreted as the overcoming of resistance and obstacles through a persistent, purposeful movement toward an ideal. Therefore, we could say this will be a year where old ways will be disrupted and new ways will emerge, thus presenting us with an opportunity to actively move forward with innovation.
Applying this interpretation to the Sumitomo Electric Group, what this year holds for us is the opportunity for all employees to be bold and to challenge ourselves to be innovative. All of us can make the most of the chances coming our way due to various changes in society and industries. In our continuous journey to become a Glorious Excellent Company, this can be the year where we ensure the achievement of our Mid-term Management Plan 2025.
As for the many companies with whom we collaborate, we look forward to your continued support this year.
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