22 September 2023
Annual Top Meeting with Important Business Partners for the Hardmetal Division
On June 2, we held an annual top meeting with important business partners for the Hardmetal Division at Osaka Garden Palace (Osaka City), inviting 27 companies nationwide working with our Hardmetal Division.
The event began with my presentation of an overview regarding our business results for the year ended March 2023, as well as my explanation of the Medium-term Management Plan 2025, formulated as a milestone towards realizing the Sumitomo Electric Group 2030 VISION. I also presented a letter of appreciation and a commemorative gift to each of seven companies that had achieved outstanding results in FY2022. Then, the director in charge explained our policies and new products. We would like to continue to fulfill the expectations of our important business partners so that we can ensure their commitment to the expansion of the sales of our cutting tools.

Afterwards, we went to the West Japan Logistics Center (Ibaraki City, Osaka), where we held a facility tour for the participants of the meeting. I believe that the tour of the new logistics base, opened March this year for the Hardmetal Division, was a good opportunity for the participants to actually see the warehouse and learn more about our policies for reinforcing the BCP framework and expanding the scope of our logistic service.
Following the warehouse tour, we held a get-together party, though it was on a small scale. Allowing us to exchange a wide variety of information, the party was significant. I would like to express my sincere appreciation once again to all those who participated in the meeting despite their busy schedules.
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