21 February 2024
Certification of Fellows and Senior Specialists
As a way to ensure the preservation of high-level expertise within the Sumitomo Electric Group, every January our company confers the status of Fellow, Senior Specialist, and Division Specialist on employees who possess exceptional knowledge in certain areas. Generally speaking, those who are certified as Fellows or Senior Specialists are engineers who have earned a great deal of trust within their respective fields and who therefore play a role in raising the company’s profile.
On February 6, a ceremony was held for this year’s three new Fellows and three new Senior Specialists. They received their certification at the ceremony and, at the luncheon afterward, they had the opportunity to talk about their specialized knowledge with other people who attended the event. I was also there to hear directly from the newly-certified experts, and once again I marveled at the strength of our company’s technological capabilities.

As a group of companies, we are engaged in many kinds of businesses and the knowledge to be gained in our work is extremely diverse. So in order to break through departmental silos, and to promote the dissemination and further development of technical knowledge, we use tools such as our intranet to give a platform to Fellows and Specialists. They can use the intranet to introduce themselves and their areas of expertise, and receive requests for information from other employees. The experts can then offer advice or prepare lectures that are tailored to the needs of the requesting party.
I hope that younger engineers in particular will rely on our Fellows and Specialists, and feel free to reach out to them for advice and create chances to work together in a friendly manner, as technology is truly a driving force in the Sumitomo Electric Group.
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