31 October 2024
Executive Conference in Thailand
On October 4th, I was in Bangkok, Thailand, to attend the Sumitomo Electric Group Executive Conference of APAC. This event was attended by more than 70 people, including the managing directors and executives from our subsidiaries in nine of the countries in the region: Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, India, Cambodia, Australia, Indonesia, Philippines and Vietnam.
Prior to the start of the conference, I visited the factory of Nissin Electric (Thailand) Co., Ltd., a company that provides high-voltage electrical power equipment, metal parts fabrication, and fine coating services. When they started, they were the first overseas company established by Nissin Electric; today, they have an integrated operation that does everything from materials procurement to production to export. It was a valuable experience for me to see a workplace with such high levels of craftsmanship, where they even make their own jigs and toolboxes.

At the conference itself, attendees heard reports from 32 companies in the region about the current state of their businesses and the various challenges they face. We also heard from intracompany committees about their work on developing human resources and strengthening manufacturing capabilities. These reports helped me understand the many actions being taken to overcome various challenges, and I conveyed my expectations for future activity. There was also a roundtable discussion between executives and the local staff of subsidiaries in Thailand, where executives were able to directly answer questions about business plans, their expectations of the next generation of company leaders, and other topics. It was very meaningful to be able to communicate like this, in person and in small groups.
My hope for the attendees of this conference, who are navigating their companies through a rapidly changing business environment, is that they will keep learning more about each other’s countries and businesses, and continue lead their companies to further growth.

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