Addressing Climate Change
-Toward the
Realization of a
Information on the Sumitomo Electric Group's environmental initiatives, including its contribution to a carbon-free society and specific targets for CO2 reduction, is disclosed.
Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
We have been certified by the international initiative Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) in terms of the compliance of our greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets, which we are aiming to achieve by 2030, with the initiative’s standards.
To further contribute to establishing a sustainable society with less environmental impact, we have also announced our agreement with the TCFD recommendation to analyze the risks and opportunities to businesses brought about by climate change, and to disclose this information.
In line with the aggressive long-term target set in FY2021 of reducing GHG emissions by 30% from the FY2018 level by FY2030, we have also adopted a higher target of reducing GHG emissions by 10% from the FY 2018 level by FY2022 to replace the previous target of 5% from the FY2017 level.
We will promote initiatives to meet this new target.
Information Disclosure of Climate Change in Line with the
TCFD Recommendations
Sumitomo Electric has disclosed information of climate change in line with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
Energy Saving Activities
in Production Units
Self-help efforts to reduce CO₂ emissions and improve production efficiency
The Global Environment Department has a quarterly dialogue with business divisions on GHG emissions reduction to check progress in GHG emissions reduction and per-unit reduction. In addition, it gathers issues from them and provides useful information to help resolve them. Such useful information is disseminated on a group-wide scale through the Global Environment Promotion Committee and the decarbonization portal website.
Energy saving evaluation and measurement-based evaluation
Development and evaluation of new technologies
Support for development of new technologies
Energy Saving 200 Kaizen*
*We have newly launched the Energy Saving 200 Kaizen to incorporate an energy-saving perspective into on-site kaizen activities. We are striving to increase production efficiency by visualizing divisions’ efforts and results.
Latest Data
Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Reduction Ratio in Japan and overseas in Fiscal 2022
Latest Data
Factor Analysis of Changes in Greenhouse Gas Emissions , Greenhouse Gas Emissions from the Global Operations of the Sumitomo Electric Group by Region in Fiscal 2022
Latest Data
Energy Consumption and Energy Consumption per Unit of Sales (in Japan and overseas) in Fiscal 2022
Latest Data
Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Fiscal 2022

Energy Saving Activities in Offices
We have reduced GHG emissions per floor area in offices through energy saving activities. Mainly to reduce the use of electricity, we have assigned a member and a vice member of the Workplace ECO Activity Promotion Committee in Osaka and Tokyo head offices, district offices and branch offices, and promoted various efforts as follows:
Moderating air conditioning usage by dressing cool in summer and warm in winter.
Turning off all office lights during lunch break
Turning off lights and air conditioners in meeting rooms and toilets when not in use
Turning off PCs when not in use.
Logistics Units
The Sumitomo Electric Group has been making efforts to reduce environmental impact from distribution of products and materials for many years and promoted measures to reduce CO₂ and other greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption during transportation through such efforts as improving loading efficiency, joint cargo transportation, and replacement of truck transportation by other means that have less environmental impacts such as rail and marine transportation (modal shift). Thus, we have taken the initiative in establishing an environmentally friendly logistics system. In response to revision of the Law concerning Rational Use of Energy in April 2006, which now requires all shippers to make efforts to reduce CO₂ emissions from cargo transportation, the Sumitomo Electric Group established the Green Logistics Promotion Task Committee and is working together with all domestic affiliates to promote green logistics.
Reducing Delivery
-related Environmental
In addition to the known shippers with large freight volumes, which are subject to regulations, we strive to realize more environment-friendly logistics in our manufacturing affiliates in Japan by reducing per-unit CO₂ emissions through the promotion of modal shift and improvement in the truck loading efficiency.

Initiative to Promote Modal Shift
Since fiscal 2002, we have been promoting modal shift mainly in the case of large-volume freight within our group. In addition, we are actively promoting round-trip railway transportation using large containers in partnership with companies outside our group.
Sumitomo Electric is actively using railway container services for the transportation of copper wire rod from Osaka works to Miyagi and Tochigi. In recognition of the fact that 50.8% of our freight land transportation covering 500 km or more in fiscal 2011 was by rail, we acquired certification as a company engaged in the initiatives of Eco Rail Mark from the Railway Freight Association in February 2013.