Products Contributing to Green Global Environment
Sumitomo Electric is striving to increase environmentally friendly products as an environmental policy. Our products are assessed to determine their levels of social and environmental contribution and classified into, for example, Eco Mind products, Eco products based on the levels. The environmental assessment results are used for development of new products. From fiscal 2023, through Go for Green 2025, a mid-term target which aims to realize a green environmental society, we are striving to increase the sales of products capable of making green contributions (a business activity that helps realize a green environmental society).
Overview of the Framework for Environmentally Friendly Products
“Eco Mind” Products
We perform environmental assessment of products when developing new products, as well as when making major design changes to existing products. The products having undergone product assessment are registered as “Eco Mind” products in the Sumitomo Electric Group. By the end of fiscal 2022, a total of 1,400 items have been registered as “Eco Mind” products.
Eco Products
Among “Eco Mind” products, the products with particularly outstanding environmental features are examined in accordance with our Eco Symbol Program, which is based on ISO14021, and those that meet the criteria are certified as “Eco products.” Through this system, we aim to promote development of environmentally conscious products and strive to penetrate the market with them. By the end of fiscal 2022, a total of 372 items have been registered as Eco products.

Assessment criteria in the Eco Symbol Program(Environmental Claims)
1. Reducing use of harmful chemical substances
2. Increasing the proportion of recycled materials used
3. Reducing use of resources
4. Utilizing recovered energy
5. Reducing waste
6. Energy efficiency, energy management and energy saving
7. Water use efficiency, water management and water saving
8. Products with longer service life
9. Reusability and refillability
10. Recyclability
11. Dismantlable design
12. Degradability, biodegradability and photodegradability
13. Compostability
14. Reduction of GHG emissions
Green Contribution Sales
Sales of products and services that help realize a green environmental society through renewable energy, hydrogen, and EV, among others.