Environmental Management
Basic Approach
The Sumitomo Electric Group considers addressing climate change and other global environmental issues to be one of its most important management issues, and is continuously working on environmental conservation activities from a global perspective in accordance with our Environmental Policy, established in 1997 and revised in 2020. We are promoting “Go for Green 2025” as a Mid-Term Management Plan 2025 target with the participation of all domestic and overseas Group companies.
Environmental Policy
Basic Philosophy
The Sumitomo Electric Group thinks it is primarily important to establish a society that is sustainable and has less environmental impact. While making continuous and steady efforts to promote our global environmental preservation activities, the Sumitomo Electric Group contributes to world people and society by providing products and services in “Environment & Energy,” “ Information & Communications,” "Electronics,” “ Automotive,” and“ Industrial Materials & Others” related business.
Action Guidelines
1. In order to promote environmental-oriented management in which the Sumitomo Electric Group considers environmental preservation activity is one of the most important issues for corporative management, the Group's action plan under this Environmental Policy will be established together with Group-wide environmental indicators and long term targets for environmental preservation. Reviewing environmental objectives and targets voluntarily, the Sumitomo Electric Group promotes continuous improvement on environmental performance.
・Reduce environmental impacts in manufacturing activities
①Proceed our efforts to prevent global warming
②Proceed our efforts to a circular economy
③Keep progress in environmental pollution prevention
④Promote biodiversity conservation
・Increase environmentally-conscious products and services for our customer demands
①Promote the development of products contributing to prevention of global warming
②Make best efforts toward phase out of harmful substances contained in the Sumitomo Electric Group's products
③Enforce carrying out product assessment
2. The Sumitomo Electric Group will fulfill and enforce environmental management system.
・We communicate the Sumitomo Electric Group's Environmental Policy to all people who work at the Sumitomo Electric Group and for the Sumitomo Electric Group while we provide educational programs on environmental preservation to improve their awareness.
・We conduct environmental audits, and we review and strengthen our environmental management system as well as environmental preservation activities.
3. The Sumitomo Electric Group will keep and improve compliance action.
・In addition to comply with relevant environmental legislation and regulations, and with other requirements to which the Sumitomo Electric Group subscribes, we set up the Sumitomo Electric Group's self-standards better than legislative ones and make efforts to maintain and improve them.
4. The Sumitomo Electric Group's Environmental Policy will be opened to the public upon request.
(Revised:June 2024)
Organizations for Promoting
The Corporate Environment Committee deliberates and makes decisions on the Group’s environmental preservation activities and oversees the activities on a global basis. For specific activities, the Environment Department works as the hub and promotes the Group’s environmental conservation activities through the Global Environment Promotion Committee.

Education and Training
To realize environmental management, the Sumitomo Electric Group works to enhance every employee’s environmental awareness and knowledge. We provide all employees with education on the history of measures to protect the global environment as well as the Group’s environmental policy and the Action ECO-22V Campaign. Position-based training, in addition to focusing on our Group’s approaches to the environment and environmental laws, engages in practical training including on-site inspections of environmental facilities, added in the training in 2014, intended to enhance environmental management awareness. Besides, to ensure that we can handle situations where it is dicult to organize face-to-face training due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have improved and increased e-learning materials. We also organize technical education on chemical management and other issues on a regular basis.

In addition to audit based on ISO 14001, the Sumitomo Electric Group has environmental audits carried out by the Environment Department to ensure compliance with laws and regulations and reduce environmental impact, covering the status of compliance with environment-related laws, maintenance and management of environment-related facilities, and initiatives of the Action ECO-22V Campaign (renamed Go for Green 2025 in fiscal 2023).
Measures and
Activities for the
Risk Management
Items of
Sumitomo Electric
We examine measures to address risks and problems and reflect them in the action policies.

Material Balance (Environmental Impacts)
We calculate mass balance of inputs (resources, energy input, etc.) and outputs (emissions, product shipments) every fiscal year for quantitative assessment of the relationship between our business activities and environmental impact throughout the life cycle from product design to collection and recycling of used products to perform environmental conservation activities in a more effective manner.

Since our CSR Report 2010, we have collected and disclosed environmental accounting data based on a new disclosure approach in reference to the concept of the Connected Reporting Framework (CRF)*
*Connected Reporting Framework (CRF) A reporting scheme recently developed in the U.K. that integrates financial and non-financial information in the disclosure.