Realization of a Green Society

Go for Green 2025
To grasp global environmental activities for which societal demand is growing in a broader sense and contribute to the realization of a greener society through active expansion and promotion of our own campaign, the Sumitomo Electric Group is working on “Go for Green 2025.” It consists of three core activities: Operation for a Greener Global Environment; Contribution to the Global Environment through Our Business; and Promotion of “Eco-Activities 2030.” The targets for fiscal from 2023 to 2025 are detailed below. Greenhouse gas emissions reduction, adoption of renewable energy, conservation of biodiversity, and promotion of environmental preservation activities are set as the midterm goals of fiscal 2030.
*“Go for Green” and its logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.
Targets and Results
In fiscal 2023, the first fiscal year of Go for Green 2025, we achieved the targets in 11 of the 13 items as follows.

The first item “Operation for a Greener Global Environment” mainly concerns itself with production activities and is the approach from our and the supply chain’s decarbonization, enhancement of life cycle assessment (LCA), and circular economy, which prevents environmental pollution. The second item “Contribution to the Global Environment Through Our Business” urges our Group to make further green contribution by setting a goal of expanding sales of products and services contributing to a greener society as well as Eco products designed to reduce environment load through their own performance. The third item “Promotion of Eco-Activities 2030” is an activity that contributes to conservation of biodiversity and environmental preservation by accumulating day-to-day ecological activities in each business once such as tree-planting, local nature conservation activities, and conversion of waste into valuable materials through waste sorting.