Realization of a Green Society
Go for Green 2025
To grasp global environmental activities for which societal demand is growing in a broader sense and contribute to the realization of a green society through active expansion and promotion of our own campaign, we changed the name of the campaign from Action ECO to Go for Green. The new version will promote three core activities: Operate for a Greener Global Environment, Contribute to the Global Environment Through Our Business and Promoting “Eco-Activities 2030.” In addition, introducing environmental incident indicators, we are aiming at zero environmental incidents. The targets for fiscal 2023 and 2025 are detailed below. Greenhouse gas emissions reduction, adoption of renewable energy, protection of biodiversity, and promotion of environmental preservation activities are set as the midterm goals of fiscal 2030.
The first item “Operate for a Greener Global Environment” mainly concerns itself with production activities and is the approach from our and the supply chain’s decarbonization, enhancement of life cycle assessment (LCA), and circular economy. The second item “Contribute to the Global Environment Through Our Business” urges our Group to make further green contribution by internally and externally disclosing sales of products and services contributing to a greener society as well as Eco products designed to reduce environment load through their own performance. The third item Promoting “Eco-Activities 2030” is an activity that contributes to protection of biodiversity and environmental preservation by accumulating day-to-day ecological activities in each business o-ce such as tree-planting, local nature conservation activities, and conversion of waste into valuable materials through waste sorting.
Action ECO-22V Campaign
The Sumitomo Electric Group has conducted the Action ECO Campaign since April 2003, focusing on E: Environmental engineering, C: environmental Communication, O: Originality. Since fiscal 2018, we have conducted the Action ECO-22V Campaign as a five-year plan, continuing and evolving environmental preservation activities from a global perspective.
Targets and Results
In fiscal 2022, the final fiscal year of Action ECO-22V, we achieved the targets in all items as stated below.
To get the Action ECO-22V Campaign going, all the domestic and overseas Group companies have been working as one on the promotion of resource conservation and recycling, reduction of substances of environmental concern, management of chemical substances in products, and protection of biodiversity in addition to reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and expansion of eco-friendly products. When it comes to reduction of GHG emission in particular, we have been promoting “Saving energy”, “Creating Energy” and “Purchasing Energy” in order to achieve the medium to long term target aiming at reducing GHG emissions (Scope 1+2) by 30% from fiscal 2018 level.