Environmental Activities

Sustainability Efforts

Environmental Management

The Sumitomo Electric Group has developed its environmental policy based on its business philosophy, which forms the basis for its business management. The environmental policy places the highest managerial priority on activities related to preservation of the global environment.

Realization of a Green Society

We are promoting “Go for Green 2025” as a Mid-Term Management Plan 2025 target with the participation of all domestic and overseas Group companies. “Go for Green” is registered trademarks of Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.

Addressing Climate Change

Each division is endeavoring to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect the precious global environment.

Waste Reduction and Recycling Promotion

The Sumitomo Electric Group, in response to resource depletion and the shortage of waste disposal sites, has been committed to reducing waste discharged and recycling. Recently, attention has been paid to growing world population, resource depletion from economic growth and marine plastic waste and the transition to a recycling society is required. Continuing to view it as an important issue, our Group will promote relevant activities.

Chemical Substances Management

We thoroughly manage the chemical substances contained in products and are committed to complying with laws and regulations in Japan and overseas.

Water Resource Management

These days, water resource problems are also becoming visible as one of the risks that can act the operation of the Sumitomo Electric Group and institutional investors and clients require us to respond to the problems to sustain the operation. In addition to the shortage of water supply, water-related issues include deterioration of water quality, flood damage, tightening of relevant government regulations and relationships with communities in the neighborhood. The Group is working to understand the current situation of these issues and taking measures to address them.

Biodiversity Conservation

Our operations are supported by the blessings of nature (ecosystem services) in terms of, for example, the procurement of raw materials and manufacturing of products. We believe that in order to continue our operations, we need to contribute to ecosystem conservation and community environmental preservation.

Products Contributing to Greener Global Environment

Sumitomo Electric is striving to increase environmentally friendly products as an environmental policy. Our products are assessed to determine their levels of social and environmental contribution and classified into, for example, Eco Mind products, Eco products based on the levels. The environmental assessment results are used for development of new products. From fiscal 2023, through Go for Green 2025, a mid-term target which aims to realize a green environmental society, we are striving to increase the sales of products capable of making green contributions (a business activity that helps realize a green environmental society).