Prevent environmental pollution

Sumitomo Electric's Fiber Optic Business strictly adheres to SEG's environmental policy and is fully committed to preventing environmental pollution. We have made various efforts such as maintaining ISO14001 certification, RoHS, REACH, and other environmental regulatory measures. We will continue to strongly uphold our corporate environmental responsibility, protect the rich natural environment and the earth, and strive to be a manufacturer that can coexist with them.

1. Maintaining Environmental Management System

1. Maintaining environmental management system

In the optical fiber business, we strive to set and adhere to goals and protocols to prevent environmental pollution in line with Sumitomo Electric Industries' environmental management policy. We conduct regular training sessions to ensure everyone is aware of these efforts. Additionally, we have enhanced our reporting system and monitor the progress of our environmental targets to prevent pollution incidents.
Every employee has established objectives to contribute to environmental protection, and collectively, we are dedicated to preventing pollution.

ISO14001 certification
ISO14001 certified

2. ISO14001 certification

Sumitomo Electric‘s optical fiber business has obtained ISO14001 certification, which is an environmental management system certification. Our main domestic optical fiber manufacturing base has maintained ISO14001 certification for over 20 years since 2003. We continuously endeavour to maintain and improve the environmental management system and culture we have established.

Environmental regulatory compliance

3. Environmental regulatory compliance

Environmental awareness in industry has been increasing, and environmental regulations are becoming stricter. In Sumitomo Electric's fiber optic business, we are continuously monitoring environmental regulations such as RoHS and REACH, and are seeking to make forward-looking efforts. The RoHS Compliance Certificate is available on our website. It can be downloaded from the following link.

We have signed the Utsunomiya City Environmental Agreement.

4. Environmental agreements with local governments

One of our domestic production bases of optical fiber, Kiyohara Sumiden Ltd., has signed the Utsunomiya City Environmental Agreement.
In order to contribute to the local community, we also aim to further accelerate activities such as pollution prevention, global warming countermeasures, and biodiversity conservation.

Implementing Green Procurement

5. Implementing green procurement

In the optical fiber business, we follow the Sumitomo Electric Group's Green Procurement Guidelines to reduce the environmental impact of our products. We conduct assessments before introducing new materials or modified products, and work to select raw materials with lower environmental impact and suppliers with high environmental awareness.