As global awareness of environmental issues grows, companies must take proactive steps toward carbon neutrality in their industries. At Sumitomo Electric, we are dedicated to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 and contributing to the realization of a sustainable society.
This website serves as a resource for all stakeholders, sharing information about our environmental initiatives and the strides we are making in our optical fiber department.
Join us on our journey towards a greener future, and explore how our eco-friendly optical fiber solutions can help you make an environmentally conscious choice.


1. Decarbonization

Optical fiber business targets and initiatives for reducing Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

Circular economy

2. Circular economy

Optical fiber business initiatives for enhancing recycling rates and reducing waste impact towards the realization of a circular economy.

Prevent environmental pollution

3. Prevent environmental pollution

Optical fiber business initiatives for environmental protection and compliance with regulations.

Contribute to a green environmental society

4. Contribute to a green environmental society

Examples of how optical fiber has transformed and contributed to a greener society.

Eco products

5. Eco products

The promotion and development of Sumitomo Electric's eco-friendly optical fibers.

Eco-Activities 2030

6. Eco-Activities 2030

Eco-friendly initiatives for environmental preservation and our community beyond optical fiber manufacturing.

Go for Green 2025

These six main areas are based on the Sumitomo Electric Group‘s mid-term environmental goal: Go for Green 2025.
To learn more about Go for Green 2025, please visit Sumitomo Electric’s CSR website.

“Amid the widespread proliferation of the internet, the increasing demand for optical communication has made energy consumption in telecommunications a significant challenge. Looking ahead, the focus shifts to how we can implement optical communication networks without using much energy and emitting CO2. As manufacturers, we will be reducing CO2 emissions and promoting energy efficiency in our manufacturing. We are contributing to the efficient operation of optical communication networks and stand committed to making significant strides in this direction.” To find out more, please watch the professionals' interview video!
The relevant section begins at 11:22.