29 January 2021

Sumitomo Electric Issues its Integrated Report 2020

Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. is pleased to announce that it has issued its Integrated Report 2020.

The Company has so far released Annual Reports centered on its financial information and CSR Reports featuring its CSR efforts in general. However, to help a wide variety of stakeholders, such as customers, business partners, employees, local communities and shareholders, understand the Company even better, it has integrated its financial information and non-financial information into a single report. As for the efforts related to its social corporate responsibility, the Company will continue detailed information disclosure through a separate CSR Report in addition to the Integrated Report.

The Integrated Report features not only stories on the creation of value on a mid- and long-term basis, but also the Chairman’s message regarding the Company’s core values  and strengths and the President's message on the Company’s growth strategies. The report also introduces the Company’s business growth, which aims at contributing to the sustainable development of society through its focus on “mobility,” “energy” and “communications” and realizing long-term growth. Moreover, the report explains the Company’s corporate governance to underpin its management from a long-term perspective, while containing messages from outside directors. The report also introduces the Company’s efforts related to its business bases of manufacturing, human resources and finance, which constitute the Company’s source for creating value.

The Company hopes that the report will help readers understand the Sumitomo Electric Group even better as an entity striving to expand the value it provides to society and increase its corporate value on a sustainable basis.
By receiving feedback and requests from readers, the Company is determined to continue to raise the quality of the Integrated Report.

Main Contents of the Integrated Report
About Sumitomo Electric
 -The Sumitomo Spirit and the Sumitomo Electric Group
                      Corporate Principles
 -Our Businesses and the Trajectory of Our Growth
 -Sumitomo Electric's Connectivity and TransmissionTechnologies
                               in Society
 -Mid-term Management Plan: VISION 2022

Growth Strategies
 -Message from Chairman & CEO
 -Message from President & COO
 -Figuring out the Social Issues that the Sumitomo Electric Group
    Needs to Focus on to Become a Glorious Excellent Company
 -Sumitomo Electric’s Value Creation Process
 -Sumitomo Electric's Vision for 2030

Our Bases to Support Our Growth
 -Manufacturing Base
 -Human Resources & Organization Base
 -Financial Base

Corporate Governance

Overview of Business

Corporate Data

Integrated Report 2020

Integrated Report 2020

Integrated Report 2020


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