Once-In-A-Century Automotive Revolution CASE, Shaping a New Future of Cars
CASE, an acronym for Connected, Autonomous, Shared & Services, and Electric, is the keyword of the revolutionary trend of changing what the automobile should be, or its concept, with the aim of restructuring the automobile society through powertrain innovation (power source), ecology (environmental protection), safety and security, and intelligence (information). The auto industry has been undergoing a once-in-a-century paradigm shift. Achieving CASE, which will shape the future of the automobile society, will trigger drastic changes not only in cars but also in lifestyles and across society in general. Automakers together with different industries are making efforts to create new mobility services around the world.
The Sumitomo Electric Group seeks to provide new value to society, setting the wiring harness as a core focus and capitalizing on its globally consistent manufacturing capabilities and high-quality technical and skilled personnel. Now the Group is taking on new challenges in the advent of the CASE era. In this article, four key people present the CASE strategy with a focus on mobility.
Meeting the Needs of the Automotive Revolution
– Transformation from a Supplier to a Partner –