06 August 2021
Sumitomo Electric Publishes Its Integrated Report 2021
Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. is pleased to announce that it has published its Integrated Report 2021 based on its business activities in fiscal 2020.
The Integrated Report 2021 combines financial and non-financial information into a single report with the aim of providing a better understanding of the Company to its various stakeholders, including customers, business partners, employees, local communities and shareholders.
Based on the "Sumitomo Spirit,“ the Company has always conducted its business in harmony with the public interest. This report introduces its stories of value creation and other initiatives to solve social issues and enhance corporate value over the medium and long terms, focusing on the areas of mobility, energy and communications, to realize its vision of becoming a "Glorious Excellent Company.” The report also includes messages from outside directors on corporate governance and its efforts to achieve carbon neutrality.
We hope that this report will help readers better understand the Sumitomo Electric Group, which aims to provide enhanced value to society and to sustainably increase its corporate value.
▶ Integrated Report 2020 download page (English)