01 July 2024
Sumitomo Electric's Kengo Matsumoto Receives the 2024 Distinguished Service Award from the Telecommunication Technology Committee

In recognition of his significant contributions to the standardization of optical fiber systems, Kengo Matsumoto of Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. (currently Deputy General Manager of Sumitomo Electric Photo-Electronics Components (Suzhou), Ltd.) has been awarded the 2024 Distinguished Service Award by the Telecommunications Technology Committee (TTC), which aims to standardize and promote information and communications networks. The award ceremony was held on June 18 at the Hotel Gajoen Tokyo, where Matsumoto was presented with a certificate of commendation from TTC.
The TTC recognizes individuals every year who have made significant contributions to TTC standardization activities. The 2024 Distinguished Service Award, selected at the 176th Planning and Strategy Committee meeting held on April 12, 2024, is the first award for the Sumitomo Electric Group in three years.

Matsumoto had served as a member of the TTC's Technical Committee on Optical Fiber Transmission from 2019 to 2024, and proactively contributed to both international and domestic standardization. The activities include producing documents on 25-Gbps optical interface characteristics submitted to Question 6 (Characteristics of optical components, subsystems and systems for optical transport networks) of Study Group 15 (Networks, technologies and infrastructures for transport, access and home) at the International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T). These activities and achievements have been highly regarded and led to the award.
In the development of a data-driven society, the standardization of optical fiber and related technologies has become crucial to meet the demand for higher capacity and lower latency in telecommunication networks. The Sumitomo Electric Group has been encouraged by the award, and will continue contributing to the standardization of information and communication technologies.