04 October 2023
Sumitomo Electric Publishes Its Integrated Report 2023
Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. is pleased to announce the publication of its Integrated Report 2023.

The unchanging basic policy of the Sumitomo Electric Group is to contribute to society through fair business activities based on the Sumitomo Spirit and the Sumitomo Electric Group Corporate Principles. This report aims to deepen the understanding of all stakeholders of the Sumitomo Electric Group.
Based on the concept of “multistakeholder capitalism,” which focuses on contributing to the public interest and mutual prosperity with all stakeholders, this report presents the value that the Sumitomo Electric Group seeks to create and its specific efforts as a value creation story. The Group will realize this concept through the implementation of the “Mid-term Management Plan 2025”, which was announced in May this year as a three-year action plan starting in fiscal 2023, and the "Sumitomo Electric Group 2030 VISION" as the long-term vision.
Sumitomo Electric hopes that this report will help readers to better understand its management principles and efforts. The Integrated Report 2023 is now available on the website.
▶ Integrated Report 2023 download page (English)