12 May 2023
Sumitomo Electric Group Mid-term Management Plan 2025
Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. has prepared the “Mid-term Management Plan 2025”, a three-year action plan for FY2023-FY2025 in line with our long-term vision “Sumitomo Electric Group 2030 Vision” announced in May 2022.
The summary includes the following.
1.Basic Policy
Under the “Mid-term Management Plan 2025”, which carries the slogan "Creating a Green Society through our Connecting and Supporting Technologies”, the Sumitomo Electric Group (SEG) will work on growth strategies and strengthening our business foundations with the integrated capabilities of the Group. By determinedly seizing business opportunities towards the “Advancement of a Decarbonized Society” and “Evolution of the Information Society”, SEG will appropriately distribute the results of this growth to our multistakeholder partnerships.
2.“Multistakeholder Capitalism”
Collaboration with our multistakeholder partnerships is essential for our sustainable growth and for the medium- and long-term enhancement of the Group’s corporate value. SEG will steadily return the results of this growth to our multistakeholder partnerships. In line with our philosophy “Multistakeholder Capitalism”, SEG will strive to pursue the following indicators and targets.

3. Growth Strategies
By driving growth in 3 key areas;” Energy”,” Info-communication” and ”Mobility”, SEG has identified 9 cross-group themes as “Growth Themes” seizing business opportunities increased as part of progress toward a Decarbonized and Information-oriented Society.
Through these efforts, SEG will contribute to realizing “Living IN SAFETY AND COMFORT ON OUR GREEN PLANET” by creating new value with technology.

4.Strengthening Business Foundations
SEG will strengthen our management foundations to build a corporate structure that is resilient to change.
Notably in “R&D”, SEG will strive to develop the current business by capturing customer needs and challenge new territories based on future society needs. Also, SEG will work on building “a production system” to achieve world class qualities and “a solid supply chain” that can withstand abrupt fluctuations.
Further details of the "Mid-term Management Plan 2025" will be announced on May 25, 2023.