31 March 2023
Sumitomo Electric Receives Best Paper Award from IEICE Technical Committee on Smart Radio -For the Paper “Parallelization and Time Division Multiplexing for 1-bit Bandpass Delta-Sigma Modulator”-
Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. is pleased to announce that the paper “Parallelization and Time Division Multiplexing for 1-bit Bandpass Delta-Sigma Modulator” presented by Dr. Takashi Maehata of the Transmission Devices Laboratory, together with Professor Noriharu Suematsu of Tohoku University, received the Best Paper Award as the most outstanding research presentation at a general lecture held by the Technical Committee on Smart Radio of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE)*.
[Presentation overview]
In 5G and next-generation mobile communication systems, minitualized radio equipment is increasingly required as high-speed data transmission communications expand. Against this backdrop, a 1-bit bandpass delta-sigma modulator (1-bit BP-DSM) is attracting attention as a device that can directly output digitally modulated signals without using analog frequency conversion or local oscillator, thus enabling downsizing of wireless devices.
Meanwhile, it has been said that it is difficult to reduce the size of a 1-bit BP-DSM by time division multiplexing and increase its processing speed by parallelization. The paper shows that time division multiplexing becomes possible simply by sharing circuits and adding memory using a noise transfer function and that the authors have demonstrated it using an integrated circuit (FPGA demonstration), proving that a 1-bit BP-DSM can be miniaturized by halving its circuit scale. The authors also realized parallelization with a modulator multiplexed by incorporating the above feedback, proving that its processing speed can be increased.

* The Technical Committee on Smart Radio (IEICE) is a place for researchers and engineers in a wide range of fields, such as software defined radio, cognitive radio, heterogeneous wireless networks, and wireless distributed networks, to gather to present their research and exchange opinions.