24 May 2022
Preparation of a long-term vison, "Sumitomo Electric Group 2030 Vision"
The Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Osaka; President & COO: Osamu Inoue; hereinafter referred to as Sumitomo Electric) has prepared "Sumitomo Electric Group 2030 Vision," which is a long-term vision targeting 2030. The Sumitomo Electric Group will strive to enhance our corporate value with stakeholders’ support to be “Glorious Excellent Company.”

For details on the long-term "Sumitomo Electric Group 2030 Vision," please refer to https://sumitomoelectric.com/company/segvision2030
The Sumitomo Electric Group will contribute to making society even “safer” and “more comfortable,” and also we will integrate power to achieving “green,” environmentally friendly society.