Traffic Control System That Has Changed The City and Lifestyle
The advancement of ITS can solve urban traffic problems
The end of the project is the beginning of accelerating globalization.
In spring 2017, all brand-new traffic lights were completely installed at 100 intersections. In parallel, the optical cable network was being built to connect the traffic lights to the control center. In the following year of 2018, Shimomura was replaced with Mitsunobu Hattori from Global ITS Business due to a personnel reshuffle. The control center was physically connected to traffic lights, but the communication quality was still unstable. The achievement of a stable connection was Hattori’s mission.
“The connection locations couldn’t be connected. We clarified the causes to improve the situation again and again. But then, this action needed to be taken not by me but by the local staff, otherwise they wouldn’t be able acquire the necessary skills. I prepared documents, went to the site to check the situation together with the local staff, and tenaciously gave them instructions. Furthermore, some optical cables were severed due to the urban beautification plan promoted by Phnom Penh Capital City, and other contingencies occurred. By various means, we moved around Phnom Penh aiming to achieve stable connection. Our wish to realize good products for the people of this country sustained our project,” recollected Hattori.
After efforts by many staff members, the traffic control system was delivered to Phnom Penh Capital City in December 2018. However, Horie and Hattori did not think that the project had been completed. They rather felt they were barely at the starting line.
“The traffic control system went into operation, which is one completion, but traffic is dynamic in nature. Responding to changes in the traffic situation, the system needs to be changed, improved and advanced. We hope to take this opportunity to create new business. We don’t want to make this project a thing of the past. I realize that my mission is to accelerate the globalization of ITS to create new business,” says Horie.
Easing traffic congestion and spreading awareness of traffic rules play key role in solving urban traffic problems in emerging countries
The introduction of the traffic control system is steadily changing the traffic environment in Phnom Penh. The fact is proved by Sam Piseth, the Director of the Department of Public Works and Transport of Phnom Penh Capital City.

“Traffic congestion has been significantly eased since the introduction of the traffic control system. More importantly, the introduction of the traffic control system has raised the awareness of citizens about obedience to traffic rules. The Sumitomo Electric Group provided high-quality devices and works and also addressed many problems quickly. I realize the value of Japanese high-quality technology and service. I hope Sumitomo Electric will continue its cooperation in controlling traffic lights and building transportation infrastructures,” says Piseth.
The Sumitomo Electric Group intends to further accelerate the globalization of ITS business. The Company has already begun the project of introducing a traffic control system to Thailand. Its focus is not only on ITS but also links to the evolution of automobiles.
“The traffic light control is indispensable to urban traffic and definitely demanded in emerging countries. On the other hand, the automobile industry is facing a big wave of changes, including electrification and connectivity. These changes are compatible with ITS (sensor control, etc.), creating new business opportunities. The Sumitomo Electric Group supplies wire harnesses and other key components for automobiles globally, so the Group as a whole aims to produce new traffic infrastructures around the world,” says Washimi.
The Sumitomo Electric Group engaged in the project of introducing the traffic control system to Phnom Penh to solve urban traffic problems, which directly contributed to stimulating the economy and improving the quality of life. The participating members felt a good response to their social contribution through the project. Gaining a foothold from this project, the Sumitomo Electric Group is beginning a new evolution of ITS business to solve urban traffic problems in emerging countries.