HVAC Cable
Subsea Cable
The most reliable subsea cable technology to support future energy infrastructures


An extensive product lineup from offshore wind farm application to interconnector projects
Subsea cable is a vital component of offshore renewable energy projects such as wind farms.We were among the first to produce and develop subsea cables in the world providing a wide range of solutions including XLPE, Mass Impregnated (MI), Fluid Filled, HVAC, HVDC, Medium Voltage to Extra High Voltage cables along with in-house developed power cable accessories.

A pioneer in the subsea cable industry with 120 years business history
Sumitomo Electric manufactured and supplied the first high voltage subsea cable in 1921 in Japan which was also the world's longest cable system at that time.Our supply track record of delivering subsea cables since then exceeds 6,000 km. Subsea cables are sometimes installed in harsh environments that include high waves, currents, water pressure or unforeseeable obstacles on sea beds. Therefore, the installation of subsea cables requires much more sophisticated technologies than those needed for underground cables. Sumitomo Electric’s integrated design, production, installation and project management capabilities enable reliable and in-time completion of complex installation projects.
Underground Cable
Proven track record over 120 years


High voltage underground cable systems are designed to transmit electricity in both urban and rural areas where constraints regarding right of way are growing despite the rising demand of electricity. The cable technology is also utilized for river or canal crossings, mines or crossing of environmentally sensitive areas. Along with the state-of-the-art cable manufacturing technologies, Sumitomo Electric has extensive experiences to deliver the projects with cable installation technologies in various site conditions such as direct burial, duct pipe installation, horizontal directional drilling (HDD), vertical shafts or utility tunnels.

As a leading EHV manufacturer, we always provide solutions and benefits to the customers and ultimately to the societies around the world. As an example, we have completed 115 kV cable installation in approx. 1,850 m HDD pipe crossing a channel in the U.S., which is cost effective and technically robust solution compared to the conventional submarine cable installation.

Since power cables are generally buried under soil directly or in ducts, damage caused by termites are a common problem in some subtropic zone.To solve this problem, Sumitomo Electric developed an cable with FR Polypropylene jacket "Anti-termite jacket for HV cable" as a solution.This cable is environment-friendly, flame retardant and has the excellent characteristic of anti-termite. Also one of our features is extruded aluminum corrugated sheath. This can increase the flexibility and the radial strength of the sheath, which also provides superior mechanical protection against moisture as an impervious barrier and has larger fault current capacity.