Tatsuo Saitoh
General Manager,
R&D for Optical Communication
1984 Fiber Optics Division, Sumitomo Electric
1992 Sumitomo Electric Fiber Optics Corp. (North Carolina, the U.S.)
1997 Fiber Optics Division, Sumitomo Electric
2004 Plant Manager, Optical Fiber Manufacturing dept., Kiyohara Sumiden
2006 General Manager, Fiber Manufacturing dept., Optical Fiber and Cable div.
2011 General Manager, Optical Transmission Media dept., Optical Communications Lab.
2017 General Manager, Optical Communication Lab.
Small submarine optical cable unit using effective area enlarged type non-zero dispersion shifted fiber (NZ-DSF). 2000. Proceedings of the IEICE general conference. Communication(2), 428, 7 March, 2000.
Manufacturing method dependency of multi core fiber's hydrogenâresistant characteristic. 2015. Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE. Communication (2), 171, 25 August, 2015
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