Ultra Low Loss 24-MT/MPO solutions
Solution to Challenges of Data Center and Network Operators
The Ultra Low Loss connector expands optical power margin which can be turned to offset excess attenuation of improper installation or insufficient cleaning by reducing insertion loss when applying multi-connection points, over 3 to 5, in between transmitter and receiver. Saving the installation time and reducing the labor skill can lower the total ownership cost of fiber optic network.

Assures 24 fibers random connection

Provides Ultra Low Loss with low deviation

Splice on connectors available
Typ. Insertion Loss < 0.1 dB Gives Advantages to Multi-stacked Connection
Achieves high quality insertion loss with little variation and suppresses loss increase not only in single connection, but also in multi-stacked connections.
Ultra Low Loss in random mating of single connection

Typ. IL < 0.1 dB, Max. IL < 0.25 dB at λ = 1310nm
Standard deviation of IL for n=432 is < 0.05

Lower IL in random mating of multi-stacked connection
- IL < 0.60 dB for 3-stacked connections
at λ = 1310nm
- Average IL = 0.32 dB, Standard
deviation = 0.11 dB

Various Lineup for Ultra Low Loss Connectivity

Conventional MPO Connector with 24 Fibers
- Max. IL < 0.25 dB of random connection
- Typ, IL = 0.1 dB with standard deviation of 0.05 dB

Small Foot Print MT Interconnect for On-board Use, NanoPlug™-MT
- Coupled a pair of MT ferrule without housing or adapter
- 1/10 in volume and 1/5 footprint in comparison with MPO

Splice on type 12 Fiber MPO connector
- Just in length installation on-site
- Realize qualified Ultra Low Loss for connector assemblies by 3rd parties
Sumitomo Electric Possess All You Need
From Materials to measurement, we have all capabilities in-house to offer the optimal interconnect solution.
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