Yu Fan Lai
Major: Linguistics and Multilingual Studies.
Intern in HRIS Promotion Group, HR and Employee Relations Department.
Yu Fan is from Malaysia and is studying at Nanyang Technological University. He is pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Linguistics and Multilingual Studies. Yu Fan interned at our HR and Employee Relations Department in Osaka for 10 weeks.
Why did you want to intern at Sumitomo Electric?
First, Sumitomo Electric is a large multinational organization with more than 280 thousand employees around the world. As a student who is interested in HR career, I wanted to learn more about the operations of HR in such a large company.
Secondly, the tasks offered by HRIS Promotion Group also piqued my interest. I was quite curious about how HR functions can be improved through technology and the use of different tools. Although this was a new area that I had never experienced before, I wanted to give it a try and challenge myself.
Furthermore, going to Japan had always been my dream. Although I have studied Japanese for almost 10 years, I never had the chance to step into Japan before this internship. This internship provided me a unique opportunity to work in Japan and be exposed to Japanese working culture, which truly made my dream come true.
What was the most interesting thing you learned from this internship?
For work, I think that understanding the global trend of AI in HR areas is really interesting. The rise of AI has revolutionized the landscape of different fields in various industries. Through my research, I was intrigued by the powerful AI tools available and the possibilities of AI utilization. This internship has helped me gained knowledge of how AI can be applied to real world context, and in particular, how AI can assist and support HR functions.
Besides that, I was also able to connect with people from various backgrounds. In SEI Japan, there are people with overseas working experience, and some of them even learned the local language of where they worked. For one of my internship tasks, I was able to connect with the HR expatriates and local HR representatives outside Japan. Of course, I established new friendships with fellow interns from different countries as well. I think one of the merits of this internship is this kind of global exposure, having the chance to interact with people from diverse backgrounds and to hear about their life experiences.

What was a typical workday like for you as an intern at SEI?
I usually had breakfast at 6:00 am at the dorm with other interns, then be ready for work and walked to the train station at 7:10 am. After arriving at Osaka Headquarters, I would check my schedule and plan my work for the day. “Radio Taiso” (calisthenics) signaled the start of work, and we would stretch when it was played in the office. Then I would start doing research on my laptop and work on my internship tasks.
During my lunch break, I would join colleagues for lunch and chat with them. It was interesting to hear their stories and have cross-cultural communication. After the break, I continued with my work. Sometimes I would have meetings to attend, such as weekly group meetings and discussions with my colleague about the tasks I had been working on.
After work, I went back to dorm and had dinner with other interns. We would talk about our work for the day, and sometimes about some fun facts of our own background. Occasionally, some new hires in the dorm would join the chat and share their own stories as well.
How has the internship help shaped your career?
This internship is my first step into HR career, helping me understand more about the role of HR. I realized that HR plays a huge role in an organization, and it is even more important when coupled with the use of technology. Throughout this internship, I learned a lot and grew my interest in HR, which I would like to further explore in the future. I am grateful to work with people that are very friendly and supportive; I was not only supported for tasks in this internship, but also for my own development which is helpful for my future career.
What advice do you have for other students considering this internship?
This internship is not just about working, but it’s also about immersing yourself in a whole new environment, experiencing a totally new life. I would say this summer was very meaningful and remarkable to me, as I was able to experience both sides of work and life in Japan. If you are interested in this internship, don’t hesitate and just apply for it. If you never try, you’ll never know. Also, don’t be afraid to explore something new. This is a great opportunity for you to learn new things and gain experience from it. Always remember that your colleagues are there for you to communicate and clarify any queries during your course of internship. Seize this precious opportunity to try, learn, and thrive.