Promoting Health by Visualizing Your Walking Style
The walking monitoring system “Q’z TAG™ walk” put on the market

Locomotive syndrome (LS)–a condition of reduced mobility (limitations in standing, walking, etc.) due to impairment of locomotive organs, including bones, joints and muscles–has attracted a lot of attention recently. As part of its efforts to help people have a longer healthy life expectancy*, Sumitomo Electric has developed and launched “Q’z TAG™ walk,” a device that measures and evaluates walking, a most fundamental movement and regarded as the first step to prevent LS. This walking monitoring device features simple operations: install dedicated software on your PC and walk 10 meters there and back with a 15g sensor on your waist. Since the sensor is connected to the PC through Bluetooth, you can use the device anywhere and anytime. Measurement results are converted by our unique analysis technology into a numerical form under six categories, including pace and balance of walking. This system also enables users to compare the past three walking measurement results and print out such results.

Since the release of “Q’z TAG™ walk” on June 20, 2017, many nursing homes for the elderly have been considering its use . On a local government level, Mishima City in Shizuoka Prefecture was first to introduce the device. As part of its efforts to promote the good health of residents under the “Smart Wellness Mishima” program, the city established a health and wellness facility called “Mishima Kenko-Juku,” with the aim of providing health-related support, disseminating health information and promoting interactions among local people. As one of the events to mark the second anniversary of the establishment of the facility, the city decided to introduce the “Q’z TAG™ walk.” In August 2017, a project was launched to provide firsthand experience of the device. “The program was so popular that the admission capacity is reached quickly whenever we invite people to join the program,” a city official says. This shows people’s high interest in their health.
Sumitomo Electric continuously strives to promote the development of health-enhancing products, including the upgrading of “Q’z TAG™ walk” and ICT device cooperation, aiming to provide solutions to the problems faced by our customers and help people improve and maintain their health.
* Healthy life expectancy refers to the number of years an individual can be expected to live in good health.

・Bluetooth is a trademark or registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc.