Sumiden Wire Products Corporation

Manufacturing and sales of PC strand
Sumiden Wire Products Corporation is a leading manufacturer of prestressed concrete steel strand for the construction industry. SWPC also custom-manufactures stainless steel spring wire for diverse applications, as well as ultra-smooth stainless steel wire for use in medical devices. SWPC is an expert in electroplating nickel to carbon wire substrates for a bright finish and high ductility.
Contact Information
Dickson Plant & Head Office
710 Marshall Stuart Drive, Dickson, TN 37055
Phone: (615) 446-3199
Stockton Plant
1412 El Pinal Drive, Stockton, CA 95205
Phone: (209) 466-8924
Dayton Plant
1800 Highway 146, Dayton, TX 77535
Phone: (936) 257-6010