Daikoku Electronics (Phils.) Inc.

Manufacture and sales of coils for electronic and electric applications
Since its establishment in 1946, Daikoku Electric Wire Co. Ltd. Japan manufactures fine and ultra-fine enamelled wires, using the best available technologies and know-how accumulated over the years and through the technical tie-up with Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. With technological assistance from many customers, DAIKOKU coiling products have been accepted in the marketplaces all over the world as one of the best quality products. The growing interest and demand of our products from our customers in 1998 paved the way for the establishment of Daikoku Electronics (Phils.), Inc. manufacturing plant.
Contact Information
Main Office
Lot 32, Phase 1B, Special Economic Zone First Philippine Industrial Park, Tanauan City, Batangas 4232, Philippines
Phone: +(63)-49-554-9210
Fax: +(60)-3-5191-2255